October 14, 2024
Hero Cave in Anvers has been slightly expanded – corridors h..
Hero Cave in Anvers has been slightly expanded – corridors have been widened, and the number of monsters increased.
October 13, 2024
The Cheese Cutter and Earflap have been added to the list of i..
The Cheese Cutter and Earflap have been added to the list of items that can be sold to Rashid.
September 23, 2024
From todays server save fee market has been changed to 5%.
August 30, 2024
Tomorrow's (31/08/2024, 10:00) server save will take a little..
Tomorrow's (31/08/2024, 10:00) server save will take a little longer, approximately one hour due to hosting improvements. We apologize for the inconvenience.
August 28, 2024
The missing quests have been updated on the website and in the..
The missing quests have been updated on the website and in the quest log.
Download Client - October 2024
In order to play on Realera, we REQUIRE to use our client to directly connect to the server.
Scarab coin ots Overview

Scarab coin ots


The guild was founded on October 13, 2024.
It is currently active.

Team leader is Czysta Meffka Olecko.

Jesli jestes prawdziwym zabijaka skarabeuszy Zapraszamy jedyne wymagania jakie musisz spelniac to

Task 1000 scarab DONE
Achivement Gold Digger Unlock

Pozdrawiamy Scarab Team

General Statistics
Members Total Level Average Level Lowest Level Highest Level
3 105 35 Lewc Keros.. (27) Czysta Mef.. (47)
Sorcerer Druid Paladin Knight
1 (33.33%) 0 (0.00%) 1 (33.33%) 1 (33.33%)
Guild Members
Rank Name and Title Level and Vocation
the Leader Czysta Meffka Olecko ( ScarabForLif ) 47, Knight
a Member Lewc Keroseforpp ( DejScarba ) 27, Paladin
a Member Abcdefgchujdecipagwz ( Skarabeuszek ) 31, Master Sorcerer
Active War List
Aggressor Information Enemy
Currently we do not have data about any war.