August 30, 2024
Tomorrow's (31/08/2024, 10:00) server save will take a little..
Tomorrow's (31/08/2024, 10:00) server save will take a little longer, approximately one hour due to hosting improvements. We apologize for the inconvenience.
August 28, 2024
The missing quests have been updated on the website and in the..
The missing quests have been updated on the website and in the quest log.
August 12, 2024
On August 14 during server save Etheria and Arcanum worlds w..
On August 14 during server save Etheria and Arcanum worlds will be merged into Arcanum. On both worlds all houses will be cleaned and items sent to depot. All offers on the market will be canceled and the items and money will be refunded. The entire process should take no longer than one hour.
June 8, 2024
Added five new achievements related to tasks: Undead Conqueror..
Added five new achievements related to tasks: Undead Conqueror, Reptile Wrath, Lizard Bane, Infernal Nemesis, and Prospector’s Doom. For more information, visit: Realera Achievements.
June 6, 2024
From now on, the teleports to the boss room in Warzones 1-3+ w..
From now on, the teleports to the boss room in Warzones 1-3+ will only open after all the monsters near the teleporter have been eliminated.
Download Client - January 2024
In order to play on Realera, we REQUIRE to use our client to directly connect to the server.
Massive Team Battle
RED Team vs BLUE Team
Team #1 Information Team #2

Team RED

138 : 183

Date: 2024-03-08 20:01:34
Battle time: 25:11
Players: 130
Map: Frozen Town

Sorcerer - 25 players
Druid - 17 players
Paladin - 14 players
Knight - 9 players
Sorcerer - 24 players
Druid - 17 players
Paladin - 15 players
Knight - 9 players
1. Varsinger 9 kills 1. Dzoodzoo 19 kills
2. Cirux Paralyze 7 kills 2. Faster Turtle 8 kills
3. Brolajk 7 kills 3. Mxpx 8 kills
4. Penetration 6 kills 4. Jebac Randomow 8 kills
5. American Dream 6 kills 5. Fiki 8 kills
6. Syndxd 6 kills 6. Stickyfingerr 7 kills
7. Super Vegeta 5 kills 7. Whatss Poopin 7 kills
8. W H I T E 5 kills 8. Ceesay 7 kills
9. Eternal Magic 5 kills 9. Montal 7 kills
10. Czaszk 5 kills 10. Realera Coins 6 kills
11. Bazoka Zoka 5 kills 11. Ted Lasso 6 kills
12. Polamanenogi 5 kills 12. Reload 6 kills
13. Ronnie Pickering 5 kills 13. Summoner 6 kills
14. Ja Tylko Lecze 4 kills 14. Mos Anton 6 kills
15. Poczesniakov 4 kills 15. Magiczny Olesiu 6 kills
16. Zawas 4 kills 16. Ovat 5 kills
17. El Alfonsso 4 kills 17. Rzucam Parala 4 kills
18. Tugget 4 kills 18. Carambolls 4 kills
19. Dobo 4 kills 19. Pripyat 4 kills
20. Titus The Cat 3 kills 20. Netza Antrax 4 kills
21. Dunder Jallaboys 2 kills 21. Dobreto 4 kills
22. Thai Horan 2 kills 22. Knight Tank Stone 3 kills
23. Twista Slaya 2 kills 23. Cuchillero 3 kills
24. Myndig 2 kills 24. Ryoiki Tenkai 3 kills
25. Szerszen'x 2 kills 25. Kerunis 3 kills
26. Mikee Amiri 2 kills 26. Huffzeraa 3 kills
27. T-T 2 kills 27. Slychacstrzaly 3 kills
28. Daniel Blaszczyk 2 kills 28. Uh Is Healing 2 kills
29. Loboemes 2 kills 29. K'ys-xfokxpkbd 2 kills
30. Knutpunkten Hbg 2 kills 30. Melo 2 kills
31. Infernal James 2 kills 31. Tokoku Cossano 2 kills
32. Aleatory 2 kills 32. Mystik 2 kills
33. Lord'Pixx 2 kills 33. Andylift 2 kills
34. Srrat 1 kills 34. Kozakiem Po Ab 2 kills
35. Del Agua 1 kills 35. Maly Siurek Alka 1 kills
36. Felix 1 kills 36. Hasmer 1 kills
37. Botamuszkamakamer.. 1 kills 37. Nati Rp 1 kills
38. Hy Hy 1 kills 38. Hunted 1 kills
39. Druidem Jestem Mo.. 1 kills 39. Pijeadsky 1 kills
40. Shoter Black 1 kills 40. Psyquedelein 1 kills
41. Palax 1 kills 41. Vitalizing 1 kills
42. Porta Westfalica 1 kills 42. New Ath 1 kills
43. Huppet 0 kills 43. Zurtus 1 kills
44. Xandee 0 kills 44. Brat Druida 1 kills
45. Best Price 0 kills 45. Pykpyk Pyk 1 kills
46. Jestemdiabeu 0 kills 46. Furiacikrp 1 kills
47. Reckless 0 kills 47. Miesio 0 kills
48. Demolition Incarc.. 0 kills 48. Feverfree 0 kills
49. Dominacjaa 0 kills 49. Free Account 0 kills
50. Krajakatakaa 0 kills 50. Kluseczkaa 0 kills
51. Pastel De Katupir.. 0 kills 51. Robert Sciana 0 kills
52. A Kalesony Kutfa 0 kills 52. Chrono Ek 0 kills
53. Ferdek Is Reborn 0 kills 53. Maruchann 0 kills
54. Anthony Czapo 0 kills 54. Ipman 0 kills
55. Ruxo 0 kills 55. Vialofbloodflask 0 kills
56. King Zeus 0 kills 56. Balaz Again 0 kills
57. Urwisek Yo 0 kills 57. Mrbubz 0 kills
58. Temat Od Mikiego 0 kills 58. Eveneement 0 kills
59. Czekoladowy Renif.. 0 kills 59. Acke 0 kills
60. Ecpupolska 0 kills 60. Rafky 0 kills
61. Brudny Stol Z Tvn 0 kills 61. Ostry Przeszczep 0 kills
62. Skullblood 0 kills 62. Kong Strong 0 kills
63. Rzeznik Wendlinia.. 0 kills 63. Legos 0 kills
64. Myriis 0 kills 64. Alek Legenda 0 kills
65. El Palinsky 0 kills 65. El Oxidao 0 kills